Release notes

Version 0.2.0

Documentation for this release

Major themes for this version are: improved BGP interoperability, vastly increased test coverage, and improved documentation structure and accessibility.

Notable features:

  • This website! It replaces a loose set of markdown files, and hopefully makes MetalLB more accessible.
  • The BGP speaker now speaks Multiprotocol BGP (RFC 4760). While we still only support IPv4 service addresses, speaking Multiprotocol BGP is a requirement to successfully interoperate with several popular BGP stacks. In particular, this makes MetalLB compatible with Quagga and Ubiquiti’s EdgeRouter and Unifi product lines.
  • The development workflow with Minikube now works with Docker for Mac, allowing mac users to hack on MetalLB. See the hacking documentation for the required additional setup.

Notable fixes:

  • Handle multiple BGP peers properly. Previously, bgp-speaker mistakenly made all its connections to the last defined peer, ignoring the others.
  • Fix a startup race condition where MetalLB might never allocate an IP for some services.
  • Test coverage is above 90% for almost all packages, up from ~0% previously.
  • Fix yaml indentation in the MetalLB manifests.

Version 0.1.0

Documentation for this release

This was the first tagged version of MetalLB. Its changelog is effectively “MetalLB now exists, where previously it did not.”